Chapter 3 Page 54
March 4, 2025
So, general disclaimer that this scene is going to deal a lot with queer identity politics. I'm very aware that this is a personal and nuanced subject, and just like with real-life people, each character in-universe has their own varied personal views on it. That being the case, if you find yourself disagreeing with what gets said by one character or another, I would like to humbly request that you let the scene play out and see where it goes! Definitely do that before you start writing me an upset email that makes assumptions about what MY views are as the author. Thank you in advance for leaving space for nuanced storytelling :)
Also, I mentioned on the last update that I was planning to remove the Disquis comment section due to the addition of ads, and those changes are now complete! If you'd like to comment on a page, I would recommend following Trueniverse Comics on social media (all of those links in the social media bar), join the Trueniverse Discord, or become a Patron to read commentary on every page! I'd always love to hear what you think :)