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Charlotte's Webcomic


Charlotte's Webcomic


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Panel 1:
A pig on a farm stands in front of a spider reminiscent of the book "Charlotte's Web". On the beam is a comic spun out of spider webbing.
Pig: "Oh, you make comics?"
Spider: "I do!"
Pig: "So it's like Spider-Man!"

Panel 2:
Close up of the friendly-looking spider.
Spider: "Not exactly. It's a WEBcomic! Mine is more of a BL romance."

Panel 3:
Close up of the comic, which is a fairly manga-inspired comic with two boys arguing and then making out in the last panel.
Pig: "Oh. ...I don't get it. It's not very funny."
Spider: "It's... not supposed to be. It's a drama!"
Pig: "Weird."

Panel 4:
Zoomed out again, the pig begins to walk away.
Pig: "Also you should update faster."
Spider: "I wish. I have a Patreon if you'd like to help with that!"
Pig: "Nah. You should make it more like Spider-Man."

008 - Charlotte's Webcomic

October 11, 2023
Comictober Day 2: Spiders

I ALSO have a Patreon, if you were wondering. There are fewer boys kissing on it unfortunately, but I'll fix that sooner or later.

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