Lipstick on a Pig

Lipstick on a Pig

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Panel 1:
A group of business people are sitting around a conference table. They are looking at a small car on the table. The boss man at the head of the table looks angry.
Boss: "Nobody's buying the new car model! How do we offload these hunks of junk?"
Man 1: "New colors maybe...?"
Panel 2:
The man next to him raises his hand.
Man 2: Well, you know what they say: You can put lipstick on a pig..."
Panel 3:
The man trails off. The rest of the business people exchange surprised glances.
Panel 4:
Hard cut to a new scene with a "SALE" banner overhead. A pig wearing lipstick, a little red dress, and a wig lays over the hood of a car flirtatiously. She is surrounded by clamoring customers waving stacks of cash, some with their tongues and eyeballs popping out in cartoonish arousal.
014 - Lipstick on a Pig
November 21, 2023
I realized this is the second comic I've made in the past month or two with a pig in it. Maybe it's the same one? Sure why not. Comic critique and automotive modeling, get you a pig who can do both!