Chapter 2 Page 22
May 7, 2016
Sooooooo, you may have noticed that it's been exactly a month since the last update. Sorry about that. Basically, multiple events conspired to prevent me from working on the comic: I got a new computer and had to transfer all of my files and programs over, said computer ended up being prone to periodic blue screen of death which made that take even longer, all of this website's files got messed up and had to be fixed, my day job got extremely busy for a while, tax season came up which meant freelancing more, one of my friends passed away, Homestuck ended, it was my SO's birthday... and basically, all of that resulted in me not having much time to actually sit down and DRAW. I felt especially bad about that since I was leaving you on a bit of a cliffhanger, but hopefully now we should be a bit more on track. Thank you for your patience and understanding!