Chapter Three: Join Us
July 18, 2019
Aaaaand we're back! Well, almost. CorpSet is wrapping up imminently, like literally next week, and after that it will ACTUALLY be done for good. Check it out if you haven't already! After that I have to move again mid-August, which is going to take up a lot of my time, and I'd also like to tweak and update a few things on the website... but once I get settled, Chapter 3 of True Colors is going to start in earnest. Let's say... Tuesday, 9/3? That sounds like a reasonable amount of time. I am also very excited to announce that True Colors is going to go back to updating WEEKLY so you won't have to wait as long between updates. I'm ready to get this show on the road already and I hope you are too! Thank you as always for your patience, and thank you very much for reading.