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True Colors 3-40: Robo Rumpus
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Chapter 3 Page 40

August 1, 2023

After a year's hiatus we are BACK! Check the news page for more info about the state of things. The important part is that True Colors will be resuming weekly updates every Truesday, barring life emergencies and such, because I would really like to make some significant progress on the story in the next few months. If you need a refresher on what's happened so far, I have also written up a spoilery summary (also accessible through the "About" page). Also, if you're wondering where the Fresh Fiction went (the side story that used to be after 3-39), it will now live under the Extras page where I'm hoping to add additional side content in the future. Thank you for your patience and I'm excited to get the ball rolling again!

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