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True Colors k-25: Distraction
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Interlude Kit Page 25

April 5, 2018

Hallelujah, it is risen! And right around Easter, too. Thank you so much for your patience... the past few months have been spent recharging my creative juices, working on some much-needed self care, getting caught up on design work, and exploring some other creative projects on the side. Now I am re-energized and ready to plow through to the end of Interlude Kit, so the comic will once again be updating every other Thursday. After Interlude Kit is finished, the plan is to take another brief hiatus on True Colors so that I can wrap up the story for CorpSet (and also so that I can move across the country!), and then devote myself fully to Chapter 3. It's going to be a wild ride, and I can't wait to really start sharing the meat of the story with you. Onward and upward!

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