
The first thing that pops up is a TRUECHAT window. You check the conversation for clues, and find that the last several messages are from YOURSELF!

science-rulez602: DES! THIS IS REALLY URGENT.
science-rulez602: Whatever you do, DON’T use the 666 code on the MUBS.
science-rulez602: I have to go but let me know when you getxoijnlj)*^___--- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

dancemodena: sorry!!! just got this
dancemodena: and its a bit late for that
dancemodena: i did exactly that on one of the mouses :/
dancemodena: the one thats been drinking the lilac mutagen
dancemodena: sooooo now theres some kind of tentacley mouse abomination on the loose?
dancemodena: its freaky and bites but she looked happy at least
dancemodena: i think
dancemodena: oh and all the other mice are gone too, idk what happened to them
dancemodena: kind of a shame, i got attached to this batch, they were cute :(
dancemodena: especially the one in the tiny shades
dancemodena: oh well, theres more mice where that came from
dancemodena: theres always more mice
dancemodena: maybe we can get the theoretical continuum guys to mix up some new muchems this time
dancemodena: btw thats what im calling the mutagenic chemicals now, because mutagenic chemicals takes too long to say
dancemodena: I got too much to do to be saying mutagenic chemicals all the time
dancemodena: mutagenic chemicals
dancemodena: ???????
dancemodena: you there?
dancemodena: ugh okay well i guess youre napping again
dancemodena: you should use the true coffeinator more, youre gonna get written up
dancemodena: okay bye
dancemodena: hey science-rulez602
dancemodena: i don't know if you'll get this
dancemodena: or if you're even still alive
dancemodena: but i think there's something messed up going on here
dancemodena: i wish you hadn't gotten attacked by a hell mutant or whatever
dancemodena: i'm kind of freaking out
dancemodena: it would be nice to talk to someone who doesn't act like a freaking science robot
dancemodena: you always keep it real
dancemodena: but if you're still out there somewhere
dancemodena: i'm gonna find you

Hakeem must be science-rulez602! All the labs in the world and you just happened to drill your way into his. What are the odds? You actually have no idea what the odds are, as that would require you to know how many labs there are. Maybe there are three thousand experiments going on in this hellhole, or maybe there are just the two labs you've seen with your own eyes.

Well damn, that must mean that the blood is his... or else caused by him. Either way, you're closer to finding him than ever before.

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