Perhaps that WOULD be a good idea. You don't have anything with which to write the numbers down, and your memory is still kind of fuzzy and mostly fabricated, but you think you can remember most of the ones you've used recently, even the ones you were inputting randomly that one time.
001: Shrinkifier
100: Growinator
111: Shitty-drawing-ifier
222: Duplicator
224: Object Combination
413: De/Re-armification
420: Blaze It
573: Superpowers Cheat Code
612: Grey Horned Mutationalizer
666: Mutant demon abominations
777: Rainbowinator
906: Flips things
???: Some torn off number that just said "reality r-"
Man, they've really started to rack up! Only 987 combinations left to discover. SO CLOSE! You'll try to make a point of reviewing your list of known codes after you discover new ones.