
dancemodena: so you're just gonna let us suffer and fear for our lives because you benefit and can get away with it?

TrueCorp-Help: Not to put too fine a point on it, but yes.
TrueCorp-Help: Remember, you aren't in any real danger. No matter how unsettling your experience is, it isn't as if you'll remember any of it, so what's the harm?

dancemodena: i guess... but that just doesn't sit right with me
dancemodena: probably because i'm ACTIVELY LIVING IT RIGHT NOW
dancemodena: even if we lose the memories, do our experiences not count for something???
dancemodena: why can't you study what it'd be like for us to only have chill fun dreams instead?

TrueCorp-Help: That sounds boring. What's an adventure without a little conflict?

dancemodena: plus isn't there a risk of psychological damage or something if we die really horribly here?

TrueCorp-Help: I'll admit, there are still kinks to work out.
TrueCorp-Help: Still, I'd like to point out none of this would have happened if you had just stayed in your laboratory like I originally asked you to.
TrueCorp-Help: There are structures and systems and rules in place for a reason, and many are there to keep you safe.
TrueCorp-Help: I didn't introduce the frightening elements of your journey, for the most part you created them yourself. Other than my earlier attempts to calm you down, I have been very hands-off this entire time.
TrueCorp-Help: If the result of your reckless shenanigans has been a natural escalation towards nightmarish chaos, maybe you should think of it as karma.

dancemodena: karma? for WHAT???

TrueCorp-Help: Don't ask me. We've just noticed over time that the system responds to things like subconscious fears and guilt. The sessions that go the most haywire often involve people who have something to hide, causing the simulation to respond to it.
TrueCorp-Help: I am acutely aware that this is your ninth time participating in this program, an amount that borders on suspicious.
TrueCorp-Help: Why? What keeps you coming back?

dancemodena: apparently to get money for dance classes and shit???

TrueCorp-Help: So you said, but there are FAR more conventional ways of making money.

dancemodena: i dunno dude, maybe I really like naps or just looove being subjected to creepy high-tech snuff voyeurs
dancemodena: even if i DID have some ulterior motive or plan, you know it's not like i'd remember what it is or be able to act on it!

TrueCorp-Help: Maybe not, but sometimes memories slip through the cracks.
TrueCorp-Help: You remembered certain aspects about yourself, like your love of dance, even if your dream interpretation of dancing just involves spinning around on your head like an idiot.

dancemodena: how DARE you

TrueCorp-Help: You also somehow managed to preserve a note to yourself between completely separate instances of the simulation, so there could be any number of memories lodged deep within your subconscious.

dancemodena: you're acting like i'm some kind of secret agent or something
dancemodena: if you're THAT suspicious, how about you go ahead and wake us both up so we can be done with it!!!

TrueCorp-Help: No, I don't think I will. I'd rather see how this plays out.

dancemodena: yeah, i figured as much
dancemodena: yknow, you were acting really friendly and helpful in the real world, but i'm starting to think that was fake as fuck and you really get off on how much control youve got here
dancemodena: especially since you know we won't remember enough to be able to hold you accountable when we wake up

TrueCorp-Help: I don't appreciate you making me out to be some kind of monstrous sadist.
TrueCorp-Help: My interests are purely scientific.

I don't know, maybe she has a point, C.
You HAVE always had hangups about control.

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